
Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Bits of worstax poetry

My first time at poetry....I know it sucks, 'coz I wrote it in a class, completely pained by the droning of the Prof. Anyways, here goes....

I am feeling sleepy
I am feeling lost
All this running around classes
Just leaves me sloshed

Problems, problems
They ask me to solve
These numbers just
Make my head revolve
I long those days when
Ignorance was my salve

The Prof lulls me to sleep
My friends nudge me awake
All knowledge I fail to keep
My God! Grades are at stake!

Engines, motors, lathes and mills
All this bullshit surely kills
Sigma and Epsilon are major pain
They sure do give me stress and strain!

At this juncture, the Prof made a round of the class, stopping my 'creative' flow. I HAD to hurriedly copy something that was on the board and pretend that I was paying attention throughout the remaining time...Reason? The prof. caught a guy sleeping and another two talking. A record for this Prof., I should say......anyways....that was the end of my poetic reverie.

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