
Monday, February 16, 2004

Completely Absurd Thoughts

Prologue: What follows actually started as a mail I wanted to send to my class group from school. I don't really know what happened in the middle, but I realised that this is as good a material for a post as any other; so I am just posting this. As one may quite naturally expect, this is not how my schoolmates read it...I added the required punctuation, and removed the personal references to my friends. (standard disclaimer ;-P). End of Prologue

Well, the "toughest CAT in ten years" is finally over....about the part in the quotes, that's what I heard was said in the newspapers today. Well, I don't know how tough it really was this year in comparision to the previous years, but all I can say is that I found it to be tough - at least slightly tougher than the last time I wrote it in November. It might as well be due to the fact that I haven't done any-, repeat any-thing this time when compared to last time, when I at least did some 4-5 Mock-CAT papers. So, I would rather assign the cause of my finding the paper tough to my not preparing well, than to the paper being set that way by the powers-that-be in the CAT Committee.

I know that most of you must have been irritated by now by my rambling on the toughness of the paper when I could have just gotten (is that a legit word?) to the point and just told you people how I did in the test. I seem to have done well, going by what has been doing the rounds here as to junta's scores in IIT-M at least. I seem to have scored 66 marks from 81 attempts, following the TIME pattern of scoring; it remains to be seen whether the IIMs also follow the same pattern while they evaluate the papers or not.....

Now, the apparantly high score I scored has started a wave of ribbing aimed at me in my hostel: people calling me "God" and what not. I agree that all this must be good to a man's ego, but when you know that not one of all those who say this means it when he says it, the knowledge rather takes the high out of these 'compliments'. Anyway, I am prepared now to accept all the same kind of 'appreciation' from u, dear readers - my friends - as I am sure that most of you mean it when you guys call me a 'God'. So, people, keep all those compliments coming. From my side, I promise you all that I will keep this flow of hopefully-interesting-to-read posts going on and on until I die of boredom....or from any other supra-natural causes resulting from any one of my harassed readers......till then....keep reading......

Epilogue: After having gone through the post for proof-reading before publishing, I noticed a similarity in this post and the one in which I told you of my admission into the Ohio State University: I am shamelessly asking you all to congratulate me on some measly thing I did, something I am sure anyone of you could have done before me. This brings on a philosophical thought process onto me. I shall, however refrain from adding anymore to this post; you can expect some philosophizing from me sometime later maybe. For now, I am the attention-hungry child.....:-P

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