
Friday, December 17, 2004

The DPS issue... what the hell's happening?

IIT student held for selling DPS sex clip

I came across this news article while going through Rediff. I haven't yet begun reading all the news sites from India, like many people I came to know in the US do. Maybe some day, but that's not what this post is about. Well, the headline sure seems interesting, doesn't it? So I followed the link, and read thruogh the article. After that, I just Googled to see what the clip was all about... Well, many newspapers did throw in a lot of information about the clip, how it got distributed in the first place... well, for all I know, it could be complete misinformation. But I am really pissed at what I read.

A young couple, a very young couple in fact, have sex or maybe it was just the foreplay, but well, that doesn't matter much either. They record the scene "just for fun". The girl ditches the guy after sometime, and the guy starts peddling the clip to his friends for an amount that's still vague: some sites put it at Rs. 100, and some for lesser still. As can be expected, it spreads through almost all the MMS-enabled phones in Delhi, spreads farther through the whole country. Someone copies it onto a CD and the CD sells... some other guy gets it, puts it on Baazee.com and predictably gets caught. And now people like me who wonder what the hell was happening to a couple of kids in their 11th standard, we get to see many discussion forums, and other mundane places on the big WWW bashing the girl, like its all her fault.

That was what I gathered from all the sites I could pull up from Google. What the hell is happening here? Agreed, the kids were wrong in having sex - I still don't know if they did have sex or not - I mean, they're too young to be doing any of the fooling around allegedly on the tape. Now, I haven't seen the tape, and I wouldn't care to either... But here we have people calling the girl a whore and what not... Why? Simply 'cause she thought it wasn't working out with the guy and broke up with him? I don't get it... And no one's even talking about the guy. A really great guy he is, isn't he? I mean, I wonder if he would have sold the clip to anyone if his face were in it! A cheap and sorry chap who couldn't bear a girl dumping him.

Now, many people do it... hell, everyone does it, everyone HAS to be doing it... look at the population! And here is a girl who's being victimized for something which isn't such a big deal! OK, I once again state that what she did was wrong, for her age... but is it so big that she has to live with enforced guilt and shame all her life? The girl was supposedly a brilliant student - one bright future ruined. And the guy gets to go free... no one seems to be blaming him for what happened, when I strongly feel that he is the only guilty party. Some DPS students have even given out the names of the guy and the girl, what the hell were they thinking? Hemant Chugh or something is the guy's name, and I wouldn't take the girl's name here. I feel that more than enough has been said about her, most of it against her! I want to speak about the guy now... What kind of a loser is it who harbors such a grudge against an ex-girlfriend that he has to go about hawking clips like this? I can only imagine what kind of a man this boy would grow up into. Why the hell should he be let go scot-free? OK OK he was also expelled from the school - well, he deserved it, and I think that that's not enough for him.

Now, about those that started all these discussion forums and all about this incident. The majority I have been through seem to categorize the girl as some kind of a cheap whore, and other names I wouldn't bother mentioning here... WHY??? just because she didn't think it's wrong to make out with her boyfriend? Bloody hell, I am sure that if these people were old enough, they'd be knocking up their girlfriends as well... and they go about calling others names! And then after calling her names they ask "Anyone know where I can get the clip on the NET?" Heights of hypocrisy!!! And then there are these moralists who downright slam the girl for doing this, and think the guy is OK. Grow out of the middle ages people! Whether you accept it or not, pre-marital sex has been happening in India and will continue to happen. So why all this hue and cry? Oh yeah, there were even those who said the guy and girl should get married after what has happened!!! They wouldn't have fucking known "whatever has happened" if the guy was even a half-way decent man. Now, why should the girl marry this guy after he betrayed her like this? Where's the sense in that?

Well, this has been a long post already... I guess I should end it already... only one thing to say in parting - please shed the hypocrisy, and realise that if anyone's to blame, its the guy, and not the poor girl...

PS: I almost forgot - I don't know where to get the clip, so please DO NOT leave any comments here asking if I know where you can get the clip; and if anyone knows it, shut the fuck up, I don't care.

Update: Warrant issued against schoolboy. Finally!! He may get out on a technicality of being a juvenile, but well, something's being done... our authorities ain't that bad afterall...


do u want the clip?

bastard ravi... i said explicitly i dont care abt the clip... have more than half a mind to delete ur post.... but since its u, i'm leaving it on...

so u dont want it??

a skool frnd of mine sent it already ra... got the clip now...

oh u sick pervert...u sick perverted man...u totally grossed me out dude.(heheeee...)

well ravi, i never thought u cud be disgusted by anything... happy to know i did that!!! ;)

Hi Sai...

Iam really surprised.......one side you write a wonderful post and the other side you chat with your friends for clip....STRANGE....grow up........stop being a hyporcte..typical Indian!!

I understand the delicacy of the situation and i also second on the that whatever happened was wrong.. and undoubtedly it was the guy's fault.. but again the girl too was involved wasn't she !!! so in my opinion calling her whore or a slut may be obnoxiously wrong but at the same time claiming that she clean will also be wrong... if the girl was good student so was the boy he was about represent the country in a tennis.. how cool is that !!!
Well still i would say that the guy was bastard for spreading the video all over but both the girl and the were equally partners in the crime....

Well , go through the episode of GUMRAH CHANNEL V.
I second that . Also the girl did not ditch him , he was just challenged by his friends . Really boy is a real bastard .

Good student !!!! I hv fuckEd every girl possible and I was a brilliant student. how can sex define what kind of a student are you??
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