
Friday, December 31, 2004

To B or not to B...

If after reading this post completely, or even somewhere in between you begin to realize that what's been written is plainly repetitive and senseless, well, that was the original intention of this post. The cry goes round "Why?". Because I am in a sort of a Blogger's Block (nice alliteration, isn't it?) since there is so little presently to stimulate my otherwise sharp and immense brain. And, in the manner I've stated in some earlier post of mine, I want to acknowledge Sweth's post for the idea. So here goes...

"To be or not to be, that's the question" as Shakespeare said in Hamlet. But I begin to wonder, is it really a question? I mean, look at the construction - it so clearly is not a question. Granted that Shakespeare was a genius of words, and so maybe he could take the liberty to say that it is indeed a question. But does that allow us to say the same thing? We are not anywhere near The Bard and so, I beg to differ with him that it is a question. It could become a proper question when we add some other words to it - like "to be or not to be what?" Once that is established, we can think of "how to be or not to be 'that whatever'?" Then we can think of "when to be and when not to be 'that'?" and so on and so forth if you get what I'm trying to drive at. Anyway, that is not the topic of my post today. It has to do with the B-verbs that come to my mind soon as I see that phrase...

Let us first dispense with the obvious... "To be or not to be"... well, I seem to have talked in much detail (much of it useless) about this one. But, I got some more to add... First of all, how do you decide "what" to be or not be? I say, go with your gut on that one. Well, I could go on and on about each of the question listed above, and then some more, but basically the gist of it all is: follow your instinct, as bad as it may be.

Then comes "to blog or not to blog".... well, for me, the solution to that would (obviously) be to blog. But, there are so many things that affect one's blogging that it is not so straight-forward as my solution seems. Living in the hectic world that we do, people find it difficult to do something as easy as lazing off. Now, in this scenario, how can one expect others to do something as intellectually taxing as blogging? Intellectually taxing not because you have to write funny, witty stuff or anything, but because you have to go through stuff like what I am writing now so that others may also read what you write. Well, I hope you do get the picture. On a more serious and practical note, blogging is the first thing that people cut back on when they are pressed for time...

Then comes "to booze or not to booze"... well, once again, there are a lot of factors affecting this decision. Firstly there are all the problems one might (being from a pretty conservative Indian family) face. Then there are the detractors who try dissuading people from boozing (I still can't figure out why). Most important I think is the financial and social constraints imposed on one, which are entirely out of one's control. I mean, apart from a few exceptions, I guess no one would prefer drinking alone. So, if you are in a company of teetotalers, well, what can you do but not booze? Anyway, there is so much more that can be said on this topic - I mean, all the "what", "how", "when", etc., questions pop up... and I am sure no one (including me) has the patience to sift through all those questions.

The last one I thought of, while writing this piece is another question that might already have popped up in your mind - "to beat up the person who wrote this or not to beat up the person who wrote this"... Personally, I would suggest restraint, and if that doesn't work, I would remind you of the "long arm of the law"... but then since my opinion "could" be biased, well, again, go with your instinct - I say that fearlessly 'cause I am sure none of you would take the trouble of coming all the way here to beat me up...

Post-Script: Well, if any of you can think of any more B-verbs that can be added, please feel free to suggest them to me... would help keep me writing such nonsensical stuff when I don't have anything else to post...


That's simple, there are so many b-verbs:
To bite or not to bite - one's nails, someone else's head....
To bathe or not to bathe - a really imp question for someone who has to do with very less water, this could be the case with thousands of Indians.
To bark or not to bark - street dogs bark at us, but we do not bark back at them. Then we can also say, if we use our energy to simply bark loud, our bite might be useless.
To bend or not to bend - giving in to others' wishes.
To back up or not to back up - whether or not to support someone, when to support someone, why to support someone.
To ban or not to ban.
To bawl or not to bawl.
.....There can be simply many such questions! Here's to more 'B'ing!

well dan... as i said thsoe were the ones that came up on my mind immediately... and didnt think on it much later... and thanks for all the suggestions... will use them whenever i dont have anything else to write about... :P

cool stuff! u knw, i could've thought of those! i should be angry for stealin my idea, but hey.. u've given it a real nice look! thanks! :P
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